6 Ways to Sabotage Your Results this Month
I hope your week is off to a great start! It’s a special time of year … with celebrations, traditions, and festivities galore. Which is awesome. BUT … there’s something not-so-awesome, too – it’s all those sneaky saboteurs that come out during the holidays. They can set you back in a BIG WAY from reaching […]
7 pounds over the holidays?
You know I am a big believer in being “in the moment,” right? It’s huge for helping you relieve stress, focus on what’s important, and get the most out of every day. But … → I HAVE AN IMPORTANT EXCEPTION. And it has to do with something I hear every.single.year from my clients. Pretend it’s […]
The eating habit that gets in the way of results
Before I get started, I wanted to let you know that were are offering Meal Prep services…Kind of. We have partnered with Temple Fuel, LLC and they are delivering freshly made Meal Prep that you can pick up at our Beverly Facility. You can click here to order and up until 11/18, you will get […]
Creating your happiness <3
A lot of people have a problem with happiness: They think they don’t deserve it! Is that you? Sometimes we just need a reminder that we’re good enough to be happy. Worthy enough. And that happiness isn’t a goal we march toward grimly. Because it’s not about being a certain weight, or being able to […]
Free Your Mind – And Results Will Follow
I talk to people all the time who want to get in better shape, lose weight, or embrace a healthier lifestyle. And it’s amazing how often they follow up their desire with a list of reasons why they can’t possibly succeed. It goes on and on, and it’s natural, to a degree. BUT IT DRIVES […]
Look out for each other
It’s been a tough 21 months on everyone, and sometimes it seems like nothing’s going to get better out there. All over the world and here at home, people are worn out, stressed, and confused, right? Sometimes it feels like there’s nothing we can do. But there is. And that’s simple: We’ve gotta look out […]
This story blew me away
have you ever heard of Hidilyn Diaz? She’s a weightlifter from the Philippines. I hadn’t heard of her until the Olympics. One of the best things about the Games (beyond watching the amazing athletes in action) are the inspirational stories, don’t you agree? Hidilyn’s story is one of my favorites. Talk about an underdog. Basically, […]
My secret retirement plan
I don’t know about you, but I want to be that 80-year-old busting out sweet moves on the dance floor at a wedding. What do YOU want to be able to do when you’re 60, 70, 80, and beyond? Have you thought about it? It doesn’t matter how old you are right now …. this […]
“Ready” isn’t a thing
Let’s just get to it. The idea of being “ready” is unrealistic for making healthy choices as adults. Why? Because we can’t always be “ready.” And if we insist on waiting until we are, then we might be waiting forever. When we’re planning to adopt healthy habits like exercising and eating right, this ideal state […]
Hustle & grind ? fastest route to results
Here’s something you might be surprised to know if your social media feed is anything like mine. The “hustle and grind” is NOT the fastest path to your results. In fact, for some people, it’s a path to NOWHERE Especially if you have responsibilities … like a career, family, home, pets, etc.! It’s true: the […]